Name............. Express PD galore
Publisher........  Express PD 
Price............ UK: £19.99
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... Information not available.
Language......... English
Bootable......... Information not available.
Filesystem....... Information not available.
Requirements..... ?
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... Information not available.
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............   0%

Release Date..... Information not available.

Contents......... 200 games
                  250+ music modules

Access Software.. Drawers and programs have icons, and a
                  menu system to copy files to floppy disc.


Testers Opinion.. "Some of the best PD utilities and programs
                  around can be found on this disk, although I was
                  a little disappointed with the selection of demos, 
                  and the lack of any collection of fonts."
                  Rating: 80%
                                                        (CU Amiga Feb/95) 

                  "With this collection of programs you can have your own
                  PD library without breaking the bank!"
                  Rating: 78%            (Amiga Format Feb 95)

Keywords......... PD, SW, utilities, demos, music

Sources.......... Johan Eriksson
                   Anders Bakkevold 

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